Blog Post Feedback #1:
Here is the link to Jin Xue’s blog
- She has a clear understanding of dual coding theory and how she can apply it to her PowerPoint presentations in the future.
- I agree with making a PowerPoint presentation be memorable that it requires multimedia learning.
- I wonder if there are other multimedia principles that can be applied to PowerPoints?
- I overall enjoyed your blog post, and really liked seeing your past examples from your instructor incorporated!
Blog Post Feedback #2:
Here is the link to Wei Wang’s blog:
- She has a great overall understanding of multimedia principles, and I enjoy how she goes into depth about them.
- I like how she incorporated examples of multimedia principles from her Korean class.
- I wonder if you could have gone in more depth of what was not appealing from your past professors PowerPoint, and what multimedia principles you would have applied to make them better?
- I enjoyed reading your blog and getting your perspective on things, great job!
Blog Post Feedback #3:
Here is the link to Jacy Wang’s blog
- I like getting her perspective on multimedia learning and what her take is on it.
- I agree with how she felt like she didn’t know anything about Interactive and Multimedia Learning initally but once learning about it I also realized I have been in touch with it.
- I wonder if you could incorporate more interesting images within your writing?
- I overall enjoyed reading your blog and I wish you the best in your future studies!