The link for the lesson plan: Click here
The link for the Prezi Presentation: Click here
In this group assignment, we applied several different multimedia principles in our Prezi Presentation which includes a video, infographic, diagram, and a quiz!
- Coherence Principle: In our lesson, we only inserted information that the learner needs. There are no extra visuals or fluff, we used simple visuals that related directly to our topic.
- Signalling Principle: We made sure to insert the critical information that the learner required to know, and the learner is shown exactly what to pay attention to on the screen.
- Redundancy Principle: Specifically in our video, we incorporated narration and graphics, opposed to narration, graphics, and text to reduce redundant information because this can be overwhelming for a learner.
- Spatial Contiguity Principle: We put relevant text and visuals physically together close together in our video, infographic, and diagram because individuals learn best in this format.
- Temporal Contiguity Principle: We presented corresponding words and visuals together, instead of consecutive order. In our video, the voiceover was timed well with our visuals.
- Segmenting Principle: We incorporated the principle by segmenting parts in the video and the Prezi. The learner has the ability to go at their own pace when clicking through the Prezi and can go whichever speed they want.
- Pre-Training Principle: Most people of heard of CPR and first aid, however if the learner has not, we provide an introductory slide and video to introduce them to the basics and fundamentals.
- Personalization Principle: We used a casual human voice in our video than an overly formal voice and tried to keep things simple to the best of our ability.
- Voice Principle: In the video we include in the Prezi, we used a human voice than a computer voice because humans learn better in this type of delivery for audio.
- Multimedia Principle: Where we could incorporate words and pictures than from words alone, we did, like in the video, infographic, and the diagram.